IDA Ireland Again - email

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Burbridge, Martin [] Verzonden: maandag 22 december 2008 12:20
CC:; Johnston, Miriam
Onderwerp: RE: Willie Holt (Burnley) Ltd

Dear Paul,

I can confirm that IDA Ireland is NOT the Industrial Development Authority. Forfás became the successor to the Industrial Development Authority on 1 January 1994 and assumed all assets and liabilities of the Industrial Development Authority on that date. IDA Ireland is an Agency of Forfás established on 1 January 1994. On 1 January 1994 Forbairt, subsequently renamed Enterprise Ireland, was also established as an Agency of Forfás. Forfás assigned responsibility for dealing with former clients of the Industrial Development Authority to IDA Ireland and Forbairt (now EI).

Mary Gallagher is not and has not been Secretary of IDA. Mary was Secretary to the Board of Enterprise Ireland but I believe she has retired from that position.

As I indicated to you on a number of previous occasions this is not a matter for IDA Ireland and that you should have lodged a written complaint with the Secretary to the Board of Enterprise Ireland. IDA Ireland has not brought this matter to the attention of an Garda Siochana. I am afraid that I cannot respond to any of your questions on behalf of Enterprise Ireland.

Martin Burbridge
IDA Ireland
Tel + 353- (01) 6034000
Tel + 353- (01) 6034052 (direct)
Fax + 353- (01) 6034100
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