Categories of alleged "Irregularities"
1. Deliberately circumventing EU regulations forbidding the use of EU funds as a means to encourage a company to move from another part of Europe to Ireland.
2. The use of the nationality of members of the Irish Diaspora to misrepresent their enterprise as indigenous to Ireland in order to facilitate the embezzlement of EU funds.
4. Deliberately circumventing EU regulations forbidding the use of EU funds to finance the Irish State agencies.
5. Practicing a deliberate policy of Financial Entrapment.
6. Misrepresenting AID packages to companies prior to relocation and only giving them the full facts when they are already relocated
7. Failing to inform companies in receipt of grant aid that the aid is of EU origin in breach of EU regulations.
8. Failing to inform the public that businesses are in receipt of EU grant aid by failing to erect a sign on the premises as required by EU regulations.
9. The appointment of "Mentors" to companies without legal protection for the companies and outside of normal procedures and supporting such "Mentors" in conflicts with companies.
10. The use of feasibility studies to generate income for favored consultants.
11. Defrauding client companies by informing them that they have a contingent liability to repay money to the State Agencies when the money had come from EU funds.
12. The use of phantom EU financed FAS courses as a means of paying state agency consultants.
13. The requirement that companies submit to BES schemes in order to be allowed to avail of grant assistance from the Irish State agencies or the EU.
14. The sale of State Real Estate at below market price in order to enrich individuals.
15. The approval of BES schemes in a fraudulent manner in order to solve the tax problems of clients of certain favored professionals.
16. The involvement of the legal departments within the state agencies in actively covering up illegal behavior.
17. The involvement of senior management within the state agencies in actively covering up illegal behavior.
18. The location of client businesses in unsuitable locations in order to placate influential politicians.
19. Refusing to give empty advanced factories to promising local businesses in order to placate politicians who want the credit for "bringing a factory in".
Have you experienced another "Alleged Irregularity" in your dealings with the Irish State Agencies? If so please use the comments link below. We will be happy to add your experience/advice to this section.